Since yesterday I am trying to get an embedded video working on a website. First my browser told me, that it just can't display the video. After updating the link, my browser tells me it is not allowed to open the link to protect my security. I came across CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and enabled that in the CMS, ignore X-Frame-Options Header and fiddled with the .htaccess file (see here) which crashed an entire website (luckily I tried on an unimportant site first).
I hope the linux diary content will soon take over from the sample content of this template. I already deleted all the articles. It was difficult enough to get the now existing articles visible. Now the menus are left over. I don't fancy to delete them as well, they might come in useful later.
Did you ever see this triangle (at the right bottom of the lock) on a website? Especially on your own website you don't want to see this. It means that your website is not exactly secure. I came across that when I tried to get a video working in one website (more about that in another article). I goot rid of it by changing two links of graphics of a website of the European Union (starting with http://..... I guess I had those links already for ages there. They actually have updated those links to secure links now (starting with https://....).